AAA Locksmith
locksmith, emergency locksmith, emergency look out, emergency car opening
Complete Locksmith Service
Residential and Commercial
* High Security Locks installed / repaired
* Car locks installed / repaired
* Key replacement
* Immobilizer keys
* Chip Keys
* Vat Keys
* Laser keys
* Safes sold / opened / combinations reset
* Garage Doors installed / repaired
Emergency lockout
* Lost home / car keys
* 24 /7 Service
* Cars / trucks opened
* Car Ignition replaced
* Safes
* Garage Doors
* Homes / Business
* Licensed & Insured
Licensed and Insured
Call for free estimate
Serving NY & NJ
AAA Locksmith
785 E 27th St
Paterson NJ 07504
Tel: 201 937-2339; 800 713-7057
Fax: 201 794-7048